SUKABUMI - The Jampangtengah Sukabumi Police have autopsied the body of an irresponsible baby girl found in a ditch in Leuwiwall Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. "The baby body was allegedly dumped by her irresponsible parents in a ditch and when evacuated from the water channel in Tanjungsari Village, Jampangtengah District is in a state of rot," said Jampangtengah Police Chief AKP Usep Nurdin to reporters in Sukabumi on Monday, January 23. According to Usep, the baby girl's body is currently being autopsied at R Syamsudin SH Hospital Sukabumi City and his party is still waiting for the results. However, from the results of a temporary examination conducted by the Jampangtengah Health Center medical officer on the body of this poor baby, there were no signs of violence. This baby woman is thought to have been abortion by her parents because she was estimated to be seven months old. When it was found that her condition had started to rot and it was estimated that she was already in the ditch for about 24 to 48 hours. "To ascertain the cause of death, we are still waiting for the autopsy results from R Syamsudin SH Hospital Sukabumi City," he added.

Usep said that his party had coordinated with the Sukabumi Police Satreskrim to uncover the case of dumping this baby and hunt down the perpetrators so that the motive could be immediately known. Previously, the discovery of the baby girl's body was first discovered by children who were playing ball around the location. At that time, the ball that was kicked by one of the children fell into the rice fields. The surprise step was that the children who were about to take the ball in the fields saw the baby's body in a ditch whose condition had started to rot. Information on the discovery of the baby's body immediately became crowded and attracted the attention of residents and soon the officers from the Jampangtengah Police arrived at the location.

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