JAKARTA - The Central Leader of the Muhammadiyah Student Association (PP IPM) is committed to helping deal with various issues related to sexual violence that occur in the country. One of them is by launching the peer CounseIor IPM platform
"This platform is an effort to take cases of sexual violence seriously," said PPM Head of Ipmawati/Women's Division, Laila Hanifah, in a written statement received in Jakarta, Antara, Sunday, January 22.
"Peer CounseIor IPM" is a reporting platform and information center for sexual and reproductive health rights (HKSR).
According to PP IPM, the availability of case reports and data is the first step to formulate a more systematic strategy for handling cases of sexual violence.
Meanwhile, Indonesian Child Protection Commissioner (KPAI) Diyah Puspitarini said that throughout 2022 there were 53,833 cases of sexual violence. From the data, it shows that Indonesia has an emergency for sexual violence.
Worse, he said, the perpetrators of sexual violence were from public figures who should have become examples of the wider community, especially when cases that befell students dominated in early 2023.
Therefore, KPAI assesses that the presence of the "Peer CounseIor IPM" platform or reporting platform launched by Muhammadiyah Students can help deal with cases of sexual violence.
"I see this platform is easy, children can report while eating meatballs. While the KPAI platform is still a little complicated and not child-friendly, it will be homework together," he said.
In line with that, the Special Staff of the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Macchendra Setyo Atmaja welcomed the reporting platform and information center for sexual and reproductive rights launched by the Muhammadiyah Student.
"This platform is very good and needs more massive socialization," he said.
Macchendra hopes that there will be more concrete follow-up so that the platform has a wider impact, especially maximizing its function as an educational medium that is attractive to students.
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