The Cianjur Police, West Java Regional Police implemented an odd-even system and a number of flow engineering as an effort to anticipate total traffic jams during the long Chinese New Year holiday, so that inappropriate vehicles will be turned back to their area of origin.

Kaur Bin Ops (KBO) Cianjur Police Traffic Unit Iptu Muchtar Romi, in Cianjur Friday, said odd-even would be implemented from Saturday to Monday, starting from the Gentur-By Pass Light Monument Roundabout, Cianjur to the Puncak Pass area.

"We have also alerted a team of traffic jams at a number of vulnerable points in the Puncak-Cipanas area, as an effort to anticipate quickly when there is a queue of vehicles along the main Cianjur route," he also said.

Not only odd-even, he said again, his party will also implement a one-way open and close system when the queue continues to lengthen with a queue tail of more than five kilometers, but it is situational in nature in coordination with the Bogor Police.

He appealed to road users to avoid queues in the Cianjur-Bogor area, they can use the Sukabumi or Jonggol route, because it is estimated that during the long Chinese New Year holiday, the volume of vehicles to the Puncak area will increase.

"For motorists with Bogor destinations from Cianjur, they can use the alternative route Sukabumi or Jonggol to avoid queues in the Puncak area, which is predicted to increase the volume of vehicles starting Saturday morning," he said again.

Monitoring along the Cianjur-Cipanas route, until Friday night the volume of vehicles from Bandung to Cianjur or vice versa from Bogor to Cianjur, has increased even though there has not been a significant queue.

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