Experts Putting Time For The Position Of The Village Head Extended Not Enforcing Village Development To Be Better
FISIP University of Jember public policy expert Hermanto Rohman. (ANTARA)

Jember University public policy expert Hermanto Rohman said extending the term of office of the village head (kades) from 6 years to 9 years would not guarantee the success and success of the village head in building his village better.

"The reason for the stability and sustainability of development, as well as politics in villages with more efficient political costs in extending the position of village head for 9 years is tantamount to having no meaning," he said, quoted by Antara, Thursday, January 19.

He said that actually the success, stability and success of village development are precisely important, not only a matter of time, but depending on the ability of the village head to prepare careful planning and the idea of breakthrough innovation to build villages.

"The village head is considered successful because of careful planning and the idea of breakthrough innovation from the village head which is then implemented with obedience and careful execution. So far, this has not been maximized," he said.

According to him, the village government is currently still under the control of a strong village head, and the severity is also not comparable to the role of the Village Consultative Body (BPD) which is able to balance and control for village development.

If the village finds a village head whose performance is good in terms of planning, implementation and even accountability of good and innovative village heads and balanced with the maximum role of BPD, the time of 9 years will guarantee good village development.

"However, if the opposite is true, the public will wait longer for no changes and improvements in the village," said the Unej FISIP state administration lecturer.

He assessed that the reason for applying for an extension of 9 years must also be photographed whether village democratization has gone well or not, such as the function of BPD's role as development control, then the important thing is also the pattern of transparency and accountability of village development whether it has gone well.

"If not, it will be a new problem because the extension of the term of office becomes an obstacle to village development and gives birth to a spirit of building power only at high political costs, but weakly under supervision," he said.

Hermanto considered that it was legitimate to have the demands of the village head and government support which was the reason for revising Law no. 6 of 2014, but what was also thought should not only accommodate from 6 years to 9 years.

"It is also necessary to strengthen the control of BPD, the community and also the obligation to transparently account for village development, it is actually important to pay attention to because 9 years is a long time for the community," he said.

According to him, the revision of the Law on Villages depends on the political power of the DPR and the executive because it is indeed an interesting political issue in the political year to be capitalized by all political interests.

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