BANYUMAS - Officers of the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) of the Banyumas City Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Polresta), Central Java, again arrested a suspected perpetrator of sexual abuse of minors which resulted in the victim being 12 weeks pregnant. "Today we have arrested one suspect with the initials Y (27), a Patikraja resident, and there are allegations that he had intercourse. We will investigate this," said Banyumas Police Chief Commissioner Agus Supriadi Siswanto Banyumas, Antara, Wednesday, January 18. Thus, he said, the number of perpetrators who had been arrested was five people, four of whom were elderly were detained at the Banyumas Police Detention Center. Meanwhile, the other three alleged perpetrators, he continued, are still being pursued. Agus said the cases of sexual abuse and sexual intercourse were carried out by each perpetrator in different places and times. "Some do it at home, hotels, and some are in public cemeteries," he explained. According to him, his party will involve psychologists to check the psychological condition of the victim with the initials AZ (12), a resident of Kedungrandu Village, Patikraja District, Banyumas. Asked about the news that the victim would be expelled from his school, Kasatreskrim said that his party would coordinate with the Banyumas Regency Education Office (Dindik) so that the victim could still complete his education. When met at the Banyumas Police Satreskrim Office, the victim's parents said that their son, who is currently in 7th grade, one of the country's first high schools in Kebasen District, Banyumas, was asked to make a letter of resignation by the school. "I wrote the resignation letter by hand based on an example given by the school. He said the school would facilitate my son to join the equality of Package B," said the victim's father, NS (54). He admitted that he was sincere if his son had to stop going to school and continue to equivalence in Package B. Regarding the perpetrators who have been arrested, he hopes that they will be thoroughly prosecuted even though the two perpetrators are his acquaintances. "There are perpetrators who are neighbors of one village," said the man who works as a mobile wallet trader. When contacted by reporters, the Head of the Banyumas Regency Education Office, Joko Wiyono, said the victim of sexual abuse would be assisted to follow the equality of Package B. "Later, it will be assisted for Package B. The school is ready to communicate with the PKBM (Community Learning Activity Center) which manages Package B," he said. Previously, the Banyumas Police Satreskrim PPA Unit arrested four suspected perpetrators of sexual abuse of a underage girl on Wednesday (11/1). The disclosure of the obscenity case began with the suspicion of the victim's parents against their child who did not menstruate. When asked by his parents, the victim with the initials AZ admitted that she had been sexually assaulted and molested by the perpetrator who was different. Therefore, the victim's parents then examined the child to the doctor until it was finally discovered that AZ had been 12 weeks pregnant. The victim's parents reported to the police who were followed up with investigations and arrests of the four perpetrators, each with the initials W (70), J (50), SA (69), and K (67), residents of Kedungrandu Village, Patikraja District, Banyumas. In order to account for their actions, the perpetrators were charged with Article 81 and/or Article 82 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection.

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