BANYUMAS - The Narcotics Unit of the City Police (Polresta) Banyumas, Central Java, arrested two dealers of illegal drugs at different times and locations in this area. "Yesterday we arrested a man who is suspected of frequently making illegal drug transactions in Ajibarang Wetan Village, Ajibarang District, Banyumas," said Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Edy Suranta Sitepu accompanied by the Head of the Narcotics Unit Kompol Guntar Arif Setiyoko in Purwokerto, Banyumas, Antara, Monday, January 16. The arrest of the man with the initials EL (27), a resident of Ajibarang Wetan Village, was carried out after his party received information from the public through social media regarding suspicious activities from someone suspected of frequently transacting illegal drugs. Based on this information, he said, Banyumas Police Narcotics Unit officers immediately carried out an investigation until they were finally able to arrest EL in a rented house, Jalan Pecutan Petas, Grumbul Pejagalan, Ajibarang Wetan Village. "During the search at that place, officers found 60 packages of 50 mg of Tramadol HCl tablets and 740 yellow pills with the words'mf'," said the Police Chief. Kasatresnarkoba Kompol Guntar Arif Setiyoko said that apart from confiscating illegal drugs, his party secured other evidence in the form of an iPhone 6 cell phone unit and a Satria FU motorcycle without a number plate or STNK and BPKB. According to him, the perpetrator and the evidence have been taken to the Banyumas Police Narcotics Unit Office for further examination. In order to account for his actions, he said, the perpetrators were charged with Article 197 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health as amended in Article 60 Number 10 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation Jo. Article 196 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health. "Previously, we arrested a dealer of illegal drugs in Pekuncen Village, Pekuncen District, Banyumas, on Friday (13/1) afternoon," said Police Commissioner Guntar. He said that during the arrest of the perpetrator with the initials DM (29), a resident of Pekancen Village, his party found illegal drugs, including 230 pills of Tramadol HCl 50 mg and 672 Heximer. According to him, the perpetrators who have been detained at the Banyumas Police Narcotics Unit Office will be charged with Article 196 Jo. Article 98 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 36 of 2009 concerning Health.

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