Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo paid special attention to children and the elderly. During a working visit to the flood victims in Kudus, the two age groups got special time. He had time to play with the children and chatted with the elderly affected by the flood.

He and his entourage met residents of Dukuh Ngelo, Karangrowo Village, Undaan District, Kudus Regency, Thursday, January 12. They took refuge in the village hall, because the flood was still submerging their house as high as 60 centimeters.

Arriving at the evacuation site, Ganjar was accompanied by the Head of Karangrowo Village, Heri Darwanto, looking at the logistics rooms, public kitchens, and the village hall which were used as evacuations.

There were 153 people from 74 families who fled at the village hall. Refugees are dominated by the elderly, health workers are also on guard at the refugee camps. They have been there for a week.

Ganjar asked Heri about the cause of the flood. "Because Pati, Juwana is still flooded, sir. The impact of the tributaries is Juwana," said Heri.

Heri said the condition of the displaced residents was good. Logistics is sufficient. According to him, residents who evacuate can eat three times a day. Meanwhile, in Hamlet Krajan, said Heri, thousands of people there chose to survive even though their houses were flooded. The reason is that they are worried about property at home.

"If the evacuation is complete, there is a latrine from PUPR, we ask for water from PDAM, sleeping on the mat from the Ministry of Social Affairs and security is also complete 24 hours. In Hamlet Krajan it is indeed the man who survives. But we continue to supply food," said Heri.

Ganjar's arrival became coverage for the refugees. In addition to distributing toys to the children, Ganjar is also happy with the elderly and mothers there.

"What do you cook? How come this is a vegetable still. I'm tasting the cassava, yes," joked Ganjar to the PKK women who were preparing the lunch menu.

The white-haired governor expressed his appreciation to the volunteers who have helped and served the needs of the refugees. Including the readiness of the village head to evacuate its citizens.

"Wow, this is all complete, Mr. Kades is the top. The principal is all healthy. Sing patiently, you're so busy it's receding," he said.

Ganjar Pranowo then said goodbye and continued his review at GKMI Tanjungkarang which was also used as a refugee camp by the local village government.

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