RIAU ISLANDS - Strong winds hit Lingga and Bintan districts, Riau Islands Province. As a result, the roofs of six houses in the two areas were swept away.

BPBD Riau Islands Head Muhammad Hasbi said the roofs of the five affected houses were in Dusun I Tanjung Ambat and Hamlet 2 Tekoli, Pulau Batang Village, Temiang Pesisir District.

"17 people are living in houses that were badly damaged by the strong winds", he said in Tanjungpinang, Thursday,

At the same time, strong winds also destroyed the roof of a housing unit in Kampung Kuala Lumpur RT 02/RW 06, Kijang Kota Village, East Bintan District, Bintan on Wednesday, January 11.

"Five people are living in the house", he said.

According to him, there were no casualties in the incident. While material losses are still being calculated by the local government.

The disaster management team also analyzed the basic needs of the victims as a basis for local governments to distribute aid.

Apart from receiving assistance from the Lingga and Bintan Regency Governments, he said, the Riau Islands Provincial Government also provided clothing and food assistance.

"Strong winds accompanied by heavy rain and lightning often occur since the north wind season", he said.

Hasbi revealed, since November 2022 until now, extreme weather has occurred several times in several coastal areas in Bintan, Lingga, Tanjungpinang, and Natuna.

Extreme weather during the north monsoon season is not only strong winds but also tidal floods, high waves, and tornadoes. "Several areas also experienced tidal flooding", he added.

He advised coastal residents to be aware of the extreme weather during the north wind season. The peak of the north wind is expected to occur in February 2023.

"The current sea waves are not too high compared to early January 2023. For example, in Natuna and Anambas they usually reach 4-6 meters, since the past few days it has been around 2.5 meters", he said.

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