JAKARTA - The police open the opportunity to determine more than one suspect in a case of distributing pornographic content involving COVID-19 patients and health workers at the Athlete's House. Currently no one has been named a suspect.

"It could be more than one, but not yet (the determination of the suspect)," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus to reporters, Sunday, December 27.

In the investigation process, Yusri said investigators would examine health workers involved in this case. Previously, this health worker had been asked for information as a witness.

"The witness is that the nurse has clarified it, it has been examined and has admitted everything," said Yusri.

"After investigating it, it fulfills the elements. We will summon the nurse again, yesterday we invited him to be a witness," continued Yusri.

However, Yusri had not yet named the party who would be named a suspect. The investigation process is still ongoing.

"Just wait, the mechanism (investigation) is like that," he said.

Previously, the police increased cases of alleged distribution of pornographic content involving COVID-19 patients and Wisma Atlet health workers from investigation to investigation. Meanwhile, both of them still have the status of witnesses.

"Based on the title of pelara, investigators decided to increase this case into fingerprints," said Yusri.

In this case, said Yusri, reports received by the Central Jakarta Metro Police were related to the spread of pornographic content through social media. The reported parties in this case were also COVID-19 patients.

"The person concerned is spreading pornographic content through three accounts. This is what we are still investigating," he said.

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