JAKARTA - The General Chairperson (Ketum) of PKB, Muhaimin Iskandar alias Cak Imin admitted that his party is committed to child protection efforts from threats of violence.

Cak Imin said that the recent acts of violence against children that have occurred in Indonesia are a joint commitment of all elements of the nation.

Therefore, Cak Imin held a signing of the Child Protection Petition, Sunday, January 8. The event was held during the momentum of the day without a motorized vehicle or CFD in Jakarta.

"Because lately there have been various acts of violence against children, whether on a very terrible scale, kidnapping, violence and until the smallest verbal abuse against children," he said on Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta.

He hopes that the signing of the petition can be a medium of socialization to increase public awareness of the dangers of child abuse.

"To raise awareness to the entire community, to provide control capabilities to the entire community so that wherever anyone witnesses the threat of violence to children, our concern to protect together", he said, quoted by Antara.

Cak Imin said the Child Protection petition would then proceed to a number of regions in Indonesia. According to him, by signing a petition, joint awareness and commitment to the importance of protecting children is built.

"We ask for the signatures of the figures, we ask for the signatures of cultural, religious, community forces, all so that everyone is aware of the importance of child protection," said Cak Imin.

The Head of the Health and Child Protection Division of the PKB DPP, Nihayatul Wafiroh, added that perpetrators of violence against children should be given severe punishment to provide a deterrent effect.

"All perpetrators of violence must be punished accordingly, do not let them get a light sentence, do not get a deterrent sentence," said Nihayatul.

The Minister of Manpower, Ida Fauziyah, was also present at this event. In addition to signing the petition on the banner that had been spread, the event which started at around 7.15 WIB was also enlivened with gymnastics and healthy roads.

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