JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) arrested the bribe of Papua Governor Lukas Enembe, Rijantono Lakka (RL). This private party finally wore an orange vest after undergoing an examination today.
"By announcing the following suspects, the RL in question is a Director of PT TBP", said KPK Deputy Chairman, Alexander Marwata, at a press conference at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Thursday, January 5.
Rijanto will be detained for the first 20 days which will be extended according to the needs of the investigation. The detention was carried out at the KPK Merah Putih Building Branch of the KPK Detention Center.
In this case, Rijanto allegedly communicated and gave money so that his company won a project in Papua Province. Communication was made with Lukas Enembe and several government officials even gave money.
From this fraudulent approach, Rijanto obtained several projects. The value is up to billions of rupiah.

Apart from Rijanto, the KPK has also named Lukas Enembe as a suspect in receiving bribes. However, the governor of Papua has not been arrested so far.
For information, Luke has previously been summoned for questioning. It's just that, he was not present to meet the summons due to illness.
Furthermore, the KPK left for Jayapura on Thursday, November 3 to question Lukas. The inspection was carried out at his home.
The KPK team, which consisted of independent doctors and investigators, was present, led by KPK chairman Firli Bahuri. Arriving in Jayapura, Firli had a chance to talk with Luke.
During the conversation, Firli asked about Luke's condition and talked for about 15 minutes. Even so, Luke's examination did not last long because he was in a sick condition.
In investigating the case that ensnared Lukas, the KPK has summoned several witnesses. Most of them were asked by investigators about the purchase of various assets by the Governor of Papua.
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