JAKARTA - The West Jakarta Social Service Sub-dept. ensures that Persons with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) or homeless people, who are caught in raids, are accommodated and fostered at the Kedoya Insani Social Institution. There they will be given the skills to leave their old profession.

"Later, they will be assessed for approximately seven days from the results of the assessment, if they do not have families and are displaced in DKI Jakarta, we will definitely refer them to several rehabilitation centers in Jakarta," said Suprapto, Head of West Jakarta Social Service, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, January 4.

There are 22 rehabilitation centers belonging to the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of DKI Jakarta. There, they will be trained and given various job trainings.

Some of the training provided includes makeup, sewing, expertise in the field of machinery to cooking. The variety of activities is carried out so that the PMKS who are fostered have the provisions and skills to work after leaving the social institution.

Until now, the process of PMKS training and shelter at government-owned social institutions is still ongoing.

With these efforts, he hopes that the PMKS can leave their old professions and pursue a new world of work and leave their old professions, such as begging, busking, pulsating and others.

The West Jakarta City Government has arrested 1,465 PMKS people during 2022.

"We net 1,465 people. It consists of hawkers, People in Mental Problems (ODMK) and homeless people," said Suprapto.

Thousands of PMKS were arrested by Social Sub-Department (Sudin) officers and Civil Service Police Units (Satpol PP) from all sub-districts in West Jakarta.

Of the total 12 months of prosecution, in April it became the highest screening of up to 249 PMKS. Meanwhile, the lowest number of PMKS occurred in May, which was 50 people.

Of the total selection during 2022, the most netted types of PMKS are homeless people with 582 people. While at least, there are five hawkers.

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