JAKARTA - The Health Social Security Administering Agency (BPJS) stated that people in Papua can currently seek treatment only by showing their identity cards (KTP).

Deputy BPJS Kesehatan Papua and West Papua Budi Setiawan said, by showing the ID card when registering for treatment, the public can be served. "So if during treatment at the hospital, the BPJS Health card is left behind, then the National Health Insurance (JKN) participants can show their ID cards, so that way people can be served," he said in a statement, Tuesday, January 3, quoted by Antara. According to him, the use of ID cards during treatment is to make it easier for JKN-KIS participants to get health services at hospitals or health facilities (health facilities) in collaboration with BPJS Kesehatan. "The requirements and conditions for treatment using ID cards are residents who have active BPJS, whether independent, workers, or free from the government," he said.

He explained, that way it will be known whether the BPJS participants are active or not, so there is no fraud. "In addition to using an ID card, you can also download the Mobile JKN application or a digital BPJS card," he said.

He added that his party hopes that people who have not taken care of their JKN cards can be taken care of immediately, because they will be useful during treatment.

Hal tersebut juga merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan jumlah ke peserta pada wilayah setempat." Dengan begitu target ke pesertahan pada BPJS Kesehatan di wilayah kerja kami pada 2023 dapat tercapai hingga 100 persen," ujar Budi.

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