JAKARTA - Disclosure of cases of female mutilation found in two container boxes is said to have been accidentally. Initially, the police followed up on reports of missing people. "Reports about missing persons from the Bantar Gebang Police are then members of unit 4 Resmob Polda Metro Jaya conducting investigations and leading to the TKP," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan in his statement, Friday, December 30. In the report of the missing person, the object was the perpetrator M. Ecky Listiyanto. So, at that time the police immediately went to his rented house. At that time, in Ecky's rented house, two boxes of containers were found. When the victim opened it, the victim's body was cut off. "At the crime scene, he immediately arrested the suspect and a search was carried out and during a search, 2 boxes of containers were found containing black plastic bags in which the corpse was a woman," said Zulpan. Thus, Ecky is strongly suspected of being a suspect. If proven, he will be charged with Article 338 of the Criminal Code regarding murder. A woman's body was found dead in Buaran Village, Lambangsari, South Tambun, Bekasi Regency. Allegedly, the woman without identity was a victim of mutilation. Bekasi Metro Police Chief, Kombes Gidion Arif Setyawan confirmed that the victim was found in a state of mutilation in a container box. The incident occurred on Friday, December 30, at around 03.23 WIB. “ Allegedly a female murder victim found in a container box,” said Gidion.

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