TANGERANG Ahead of the new year 2023, Soekarno Hatta Airport (Soetta) recorded a total of 112,056 passengers, both departures and arrivals on Friday, December 30.

"Today there are 112,056 passengers from who came and went at Soekarno Hatta Airport," said Senior Manager of Branch Communication and Legal Soetta Airport, M Holik Muardi, Friday, December 30.

Of this figure, said Holik, for arrival there were 55,738 passengers and the departure of 56,318 passengers.

"The movement of aircraft for arrivals is 472 flights and 474 departures," he explained.

Holik also said that the aircraft movement reached 948 flights with details of the arrival of 472 flights and 474 departures.

Meanwhile, Holik also detailed every criminal at Soekarno Hatta Airport. Based on data received for Terminal 1 there are 180 flights and 20,889 passengers.

While Terminal 2, he continued, there were 347 flights and 32,676 passenger movements.

"Terminal 3, there are 58,491 passengers and 421 flights both domestically and internationally," he concluded.

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