Riau Governor Syamsuar confirmed that he would impose sanctions on state civil servants (ASN) within the Riau Provincial Government which were proven to be related to Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT).

"In addition to being played by Allah SWT, LGBT behavior from a psychological perspective will affect psychology and have a very strong effect on nerves. As a result, the perpetrator feels that he is not a real man or woman and is actually worried about his identity and sexuality," said Syamsuar in Pekanbaru, Riau, Thursday, December 29, was confiscated by Antara.

He claims, the impact of LGBT has led to another bad behavior. According to him, LGBT's behavior has the potential to lead to other crimes.

Syamsuar said, LGBT originated from promiscuity which could be influenced by the use of illegal drugs or drugs, free sex, to contracting HIV/AIDS (ODHA).

"Based on a report from the Riau Provincial Health Office, cases of HIV/AIDS in Riau in 2022 also increased and until October 2022 there were 8,034 people with HIV/AIDS disease in Riau Province. From this data, 3,711 of them are already in the AIDS stage," said Syamsuar.

Therefore, Syamsur appealed to those involved in LGBT to immediately change their behavior. He asked them to repent and worship asking the creator for forgiveness. For ASN involved, Syamsuar reiterated, of course, sanctions will be given.

"HIV/AIDS have a cause, but there is no cure yet, so let's intensify the socialization of the dangers of LGBT, because it can damage the next generation of the nation," said Syamsuar.

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