18 TransJ Stops Resulting Revitalization Can Be USED At The End Of 2022

JAKARTA - PT Transport Jakarta (TransJakarta) is targeting the operation of 18 revitalization stops by the end of 2022 to speed up passenger waiting times.

"At the end of this year we were able to operate 18 stops out of a total of 46 revitalization stops," said TransJakarta Technical and Digital Director Mohamad Indrayana in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 28, quoted from Antara.

Of the 18 bus stops that will be operated immediately, four of them are new face stops that have become icons of the city of Jakarta, namely Sarinah, HI Roundabout, Tosari, and Dukuh Atas.

In addition, there is also an integration stop that connects TransJakarta modes with electric rail trains (KRL), starting from Cawang Cikoko, Jatinegara, Matraman Baru, and Juanda.

This revitalized bus stop prioritizes customers' comfort, such as prayer rooms, toilets, retail areas, and various other facilities that are friendly for people with disabilities.

According to Indra, the construction of this bus stop lasted for six months in stages and some have been tested since last December 22.

He added, in 2023 it is hoped that PT TransJakarta can complete 54 stops that are ready to operate for the benefit of citizen mobility.

"Later on at the end of 2023, we are targeting 72 more stops to be revitalized from about 200 stops," he concluded.

DKI Jakarta BUMD, PT TransJakarta has budgeted Rp600 billion for the revitalization project of 46 bus stops in the capital city in 2022 as an effort to speed up passenger waiting times.

"We hope that before the third quarter it will be completed," said TransJakarta President Director Mochammad Yana Aditya after attending a meeting with Commission C of the DKI Jakarta DPRD, Tuesday.

That way, it is hoped that there will be no more accumulation of passengers, especially during peak hours, including in the morning and evening.

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