JAKARTA - Jabodetabek residents panicked with the potential for extreme rain and catastrophic storms on December 28, 2022. But the weather forecast published by BMKG said otherwise.

Previously, a researcher from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) revealed that there was the potential for large floods in the Jabodetabek area starting Wednesday, December 28, 2022.

"The potential for large floods is Jabodetabek. Whoever you live in Jabodetabek, and especially Tangerang or Banten, please prepare for extreme rain and catastrophic storms on December 28, 2022," said Climatology Researcher, at the Center for Climate Research, and Atmosfir, BRIN, Erma Yulihastin, in his Twitter account.

The forecast is based on data analysis from the Satellite Early Warning System (Sadewa). A devastating storm from the sea will move to land by west with westerly winds that carry thunderstorms from the sea, and from the north through strong surface winds.

"So Banten and Jakarta-Bekasi will be the central locations for the storm attacks. Starting from noon to night on December 28, 2022," he explained.

The overlap on land will be massive so that persistent rain on December 28, 2020 will spread.

"Reaching other areas in western Java," he continued.

On its official website, BMKG has released weather forecasts throughout the archipelago. Including the areas of Jakarta, Bogor, Tangerang to Banten.

As a result, it is very different from the statements of BRIN researchers.

In the morning it is predicted to rain in the Thousand Islands. It was only light rain. Continuing to the afternoon, almost all areas of Jakarta have moderate and light rain. Only North Jakarta is thick cloudy.

Meanwhile, at night, the entire area will experience rain. But once again, there will be no rain of storms, lightning or storms in the BMKG forecast.

In the morning in Depok, light rain will rain. The rain just fell after 13.00 WIB. Then at night, it just rained lightly.

Seluruh wilayah Banten diprediksi akan terus diguyur hujan sepanjang hari. Namun tak ada hujan lebat. Apalagi disertai petir.

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