Chairman of the PDIP DPP Said Abdullah assessed that President Joko Widodo's meeting with the Chairman of the Solo PDI-P (PDIP) DPC FX Hadi Rudyatmo at the State Palace in Jakarta was not related to the issue of cabinet reshuffle. According to him, it was too early to link the meeting on Monday, December 26, with Rudy's entry into the cabinet.

"If he two met, it was something natural. As emphasized by Mr. Rudy himself that he stopped by the Palace because he was in Jakarta," said Said, Tuesday, December 27. Said assessed that the two of them have personal closeness because apart from fellow PDIP cadres, Jokowi and Rudy have both led the city of Solo.

"So I think that occasionally Pak Jokowi also needs light, relaxed, refreshing talks while remembering the stories of his second trip in the past," said Said.

Therefore, the chairman of the DPR Banggar considered it reasonable, if Jokowi exchanged ideas or even asked Rudi's views regarding the cabinet reshuffle. It's just that, Said said, if Rudy is offered to enter the cabinet, Jokowi must consult with the PDIP General Chair (Ketum) Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Whether there is a change in composition for PDIP cadres in the cabinet, either increasing or decreasing, I think President Jokowi will also consult with the General Chairperson," he said.

"Including if Mr. Rudy wants to be asked by Mr. Jokowi to enter the cabinet, I think it should be consulted first with the General Chairperson. Because Mr. Rudy is a cadre of the PDI-P," continued Said.

Nevertheless, Said believes that Jokowi will consider experts to be his ministers to pay off his government's promises.

"In addition, he (Jokowi) will also consider political balance, which ensures adequate political power support in the DPR so that cabinet work in the remaining two years of government remains effective and maximum work," said Said. "Just wait and be patient when the orchestration is again knitted by the President," he said.

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