JAKARTA - Saiful Mujani Research and Consulting (SMRC) released the results of the latest survey regarding national public trust in the vaccine and vaccination against COVID-19.

SMRC researcher Tati Wardi explained that as many as 67 percent of the public knew about and had heard the news that the government was planning to provide a COVID-19 vaccine.

"So, the majority of people know or have heard that the government will provide a vaccine for COVID-19. Meanwhile, there are still many people who don't know, at 33 percent," said Tati in a virtual survey presentation, Tuesday, December 22.

Regarding the residents' desire to get vaccines, it turns out that the majority of residents still doubt whether they are willing to be vaccinated or not.

The results of this survey, it was found that 40 percent of the people still want to think first about getting vaccinated, then 37 percent have agreed, 17 percent don't want to be vaccinated, and 6 percent don't answer.

"So far, the majority of residents are not determined to vaccinate. People who expressly say they will vaccinate less than those who are still in doubt," said Tati.

In fact, the number of people who are still hesitant to be vaccinated has increased from the previous period. In the SMRC survey for the period 2 to 5 December, the number of people who doubted was still 24 percent, then increased in the period 9 to 12 December by 35 percent, and increased again on December 16 to 19 by 40 percent.

In line with that, the number of people who are sure to be vaccinated has decreased from the previous survey period. In the SMRC survey for the period 2 to 5 December, the number of people willing to be vaccinated was 54 percent, then decreased in the period 9 to 12 December by 43 percent, and decreased again on December 16 to 19 by 37 percent.

This survey was conducted in the period 16 to 19 December 2020 to 1,202 respondents. The margin of error in this survey is 2.9 percent with a confidence level of 95 percent.

The survey was conducted by contacting respondents by telephone. These respondents are people who have been surveyed in the previous period.

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