JAKARTA - Wury Estu Handayani, wife of Vice President Ma'ruf Amin, said that half of Indonesia's population is women, so that half of Indonesia's human resources are women.

"It is appropriate, women and men have the same opportunity to take part and receive the benefits of development," said Wury at the peak of Mother's Day 2020, virtually quoted by Antara, Tuesday, December 22.

Wury said the gap in gender inequality is still very real due to social constructions that are heavily influenced by patriarchal culture. As a result of this social construction, women have become marginalized in various aspects of development.

If the gap between women and men can be reduced, Wury said Indonesia's human resources will become even stronger. Just as national development is aimed at the welfare of society without exception, human resource development is also aimed at regardless of ethnicity, religion, race and background.

"Progress for women is not only useful for women, but also for all Indonesian people," she said.

According to Wury, the spirit of human resource development continues to be voiced in line with one of President Joko Widodo's top priorities for the 2020-2024 government period.

Wury said the success of women in supporting the progress of the nation was very visible, even before Indonesia's independence. Women risk their lives on the battlefield and advocate for the advancement of their people and nation.

"Starting from soldiers, politicians, academics, health workers, to housewives; women work hand in hand with men to bring the Indonesian nation to the door of independence," he said.

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