SUKABUMI - A fatal accident occurred on Jalan Raya Pelabuhan II, Bojongwaru Village, Sukabumi Regency, West Java. The Sukabumi Police Traffic Unit (Satlantas) revealed the cause of the incident that claimed lives.

"The victim died known as Yana (55) a resident of Mayak Village, RT 001/002, Bojongkembar Village, Cikembar District, Sukabumi Regency who is a motorcyclist of Yamaha Gear F 2724 TAC," said Head of Gakkum Sukabumi Police Traffic Unit Ipda Yanuar Fajar in Sukabumi, quoting ANTARA on Sunday, February 2.

According to Yanuar, from the results of the crime scene (TKP), the traffic accident began when the victim who was riding a motorcycle drove from Sukabumi to Cikembar District.

While on Jalan Raya Palabuhan II, Bojongraharja Village, Cikembar District, the victim tried to overtake the tronton truck numbered B 9783 UIS driven by Vensah Damanhuri (28), a resident of Kampung, Leuwidahu, RT 010/003, Bojongmteng Village, District, Leuwidamar, Lebak Regency, Banten in front of him.

The condition of the road that bends to the left is suspected to be the victim forcing himself to overtake the tronton truck from the left. But unfortunately for Yana, before preceding her, she fell to the right and instantly the body of the man who works as a trafficker was crushed by the back tire of the left truck.

As a result of this accident, the victim died at the scene with severe injuries to several parts of his body such as the head. Polantas who arrived at the location immediately conducted a crime scene investigation and evacuated Yana's body to Sekarwangi Hospital Cibadak.

"From the results of the crime scene processing and information from witnesses who were at the location, the victim forced himself to overtake the truck from the left side of the truck while at the corner of the road. As is known, overtaking from the left and overtaking at the corner of the road is not allowed because it is dangerous," he added.

Yanuar said the victim's body had been picked up by his family for burial. On the other hand, he appealed to motorists to always be vigilant, be careful and obey the rules in traffic.

In addition, if the road condition is full of vehicles and it is better to be patient, not to force it to overtake and not be selfish because in addition to endangering yourself as well as other motorists.

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