JAKARTA - The Sepang Police have arrested a man who was caught squeezing his legal wife in a crowd of a shopping center or mall in Heritage City, Malaysia.

The arrest after the video showing the 50-year-old's actions went viral on the neighboring country's social media.

"The man will be brought to justice", Sepang District police chief Norhizam Bahamas said in a statement, quoted from Bernama, Sunday, February 2.

Norhizam explained that his party arrested the perpetrators on Saturday, February 1. To account for his actions before the law, the perpetrators have been brought to justice.

Norhizam added that the husband's action to slap his wife was said to have violated Article 323 of the Criminal Code and Article 18 of the Law on Domestic Violence in 1994.

Malaysian netizens were recently shocked by the actions of the perpetrators of this broadcast which went viral in 29 seconds of video recordings.

In the video, initially seen a woman walking out of the mall suddenly slapped by a man. This attack was carried out when the mall was busy.

The Sepang Police received a report on the fielding action on January 26 which then processed it legally by conducting an investigation.

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