JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) is reportedly going to reshuffle a number of ministers currently sitting in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet.

He is rumored to be overhauling six ministerial posts, including overhauling the seats of the Minister of Social Affairs and Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, whose ministers were left behind because they were dragged into a corruption case.

Executive Director of Indonesia Political Review, Ujang Komarudin said, apart from the two ministerial posts, there are at least a number of other ministerial posts that will be replaced, namely the Minister of Health which is now occupied by Terawan Agus Putranto, Minister of Religion held by Fachrur Razi, the Minister of Education occupied by Nadiem Makarim. , The Minister of Trade who was filled by Agus Supratmanto, and the Minister of Tourism who was held by Wishnutama Kusubandio.

"But this is back to President Jokowi," he said when contacted by VOI, Tuesday, December 22.

Although it is predicted that these names will be reshuffled by Jokowi from his cabinet, he assesses that the quota of ministers from political parties will not decrease even though there will be a shift in ministerial posts.

"It seems that there will be a shift or shift in ministers. However, it does not reduce the quota of ministers. For example, ministers from the Gerindra Party, KKP are shifted to Menparekraf or Minister of Agriculture (Minister of Agriculture). Everything is possible," he said.

Likewise with the share of the minister from the PDI Perjuangan, Ujang said, there would be no change even though the party cadre bearing the bull emblem, namely Juliari Peter Batubara, was caught in a corruption case suspected of bribery for the provision of social assistance while serving as Social Minister.

"PDIP has a fixed share. It will not decrease because PDIP is the party that carries Jokowi," he said.

Furthermore, he said that it was seen that Jokowi would not reduce the quota of ministers from political parties even though there were many criticisms conveyed by the public regarding this matter. The reason is that the former governor of DKI Jakarta still needs support from his coalition to maintain his balance of power.

Meanwhile, regarding the existence of a number of names that might be included in Jokowi's assistant cabinet, Ujang said that the Mayor of Surabaya, Tri Risma Harini, has a big chance as Minister of Social Affairs to replace Juliari. However, it all depends on recommendations from the Chairperson of the PDI-P, Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"PDIP already has names, one of them is Risma. But, it all depends on Megawati, who is recommended, she will be the minister," he said.

Regarding the certainty of the reshuffle, it became clearer after the Head of the Presidential Secretariat Heru Budi Hartono said that a new figure who would sit in the ministerial seat would be introduced to the public on Tuesday, December 22. However, the exact schedule awaits President Jokowi's time.

"Of course it will be introduced to the public by the president, whose time is to adjust to the president's time, either morning or afternoon," Heru told reporters.

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