JAKARTA - Hundreds of correctional inmates (WBP) or Christian prisoners in prisons, detention centers and LPKA throughout DKI Jakarta received special remissions for the 2022 Christmas holiday on Sunday, December 25.

The granting of remissions was carried out directly by the Head of the DKI Jakarta Kemenkumham Regional Office, Ibnu Chuldun.

"Of the 16,952 correctional inmates (WBP), as many as 699 inmates in prisons, detention centers and LPKA throughout Jakarta received special remissions. At least 9 of them received special remission II so they could immediately return to the community," said Ibnu Chuldun at the Class IIA Narcotics Prison Jakarta, Sunday, December 25.

Remissions are given to inmates who behave well and actively participate in coaching during their sentence.

"This special II (WBP) mission is immediately released, when he gets remission and his criminal period has been served so that he can go straight home. Unless the 9 people still have to undergo the rest of the subsidiary (not yet free)," he said.

Ibnu Chuldun also appealed to inmates who received remissions to consistently correct themselves, be aware of mistakes and not repeat crimes so that they can be accepted back by the public.

"WBP, which has received free remission, is expected to actively play a role in development as a good and responsible citizen," he said.

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