MERAK - PT Pelangkutan Sungai Danau dan Pemberangan (ASDP) Indonesia Ferry meningkatkan waspada menghadapi kondisi cuaca buruk di sekitar Perairan Selat Sunda bagian utara yang menjadi lintas Merak - Bakauheni, Lampung."Kita berkoordinasi dengan Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) menghadapi cuaca buruk itu," kata Direktur Utama PT ASDP Ira Puspadewi dalam keterangannya dikutip Antara, Sabtu 24 Desember.

This year's Christmas and New Year's (nataru) transportation is based on the current bad weather that occurred in the northern Sunda Strait waters which became the Merak - Bakauheni crossing track, Lampung. The bad weather was marked by strong winds and high waves at night, so it is more alert to all private ship operators and port authorities. Currently, he said, ASDP is more closely coordinating against the bad weather with BMKG, BPBD and Polri for operational surveillance in accordance with good security standards. "We are optimizing coordination with other agencies on Naru transportation this year," he said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinator for Data and Information at the Meteorology, Climatology and Geology Agency (BMKG) of Serang Class I Maritime Meteorological Station, Tarjono, said that the crossing of the Merak Port, Banten - Bakauheni, Lampung in the northern Sunda Strait waters is relatively normal with a wave height ranging from 0.5 centimeters to 1.25 meters. The height of the northern Sunda Strait wave height on Saturday, December 24, is predicted to be 0.5 centimeters to 1.25 meters and for sea current speeds ranging from 30-150 centimeters/second. "We guarantee that the height of the northern Sunda Strait wave is categorized as low and safe for the Merak - Bakauheni crossing," said Tarjono.

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