MEDAN - The Association of Indonesian Churches (PGI) for the region of North Sumatra (North Sumatra) has appealed to Christians to hold virtual Christmas services. This method of celebrating Christmas is considered the most appropriate in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Head of North Sumatra PGI, Bishop Darwis Manurung, reminded us of the pattern of Immunism, Faith and Safety. For Faith, PGI North Sumatra supports virtual worship.

"So that every family can attend the service in a small fellowship," said Bishop Manurung, Monday, December 21.

Second is about Immun, PGI North Sumatra encourages Christians to develop new habits as part of adaptation to the COVID-1 pandemic. You do this by increasing immunity, through the consumption of balanced nutrition, exercise, sunbathing in the morning or evening and living a clean and healthy life.

The third is about being safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. PGI North Sumatra reminded all congregation members to behave safely by wearing masks, washing their hands with water and crystal meth, keeping their distance and avoiding crowds.

"Since the discovery of COVID-19 in Indonesia, the church has made efforts to break the chain of spreading COVID-19 in various ways and forms. Especially during the Christmas celebration and welcoming the New Year in the midst of a pandemic, the church needs to increase its vigilance and not let its guard down to break the chain of COVID-19, "Bishop said.

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