JAKARTA - The National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) ensures that the state fulfills the rights and needs of victims or survivors of terrorism crimes.

Head of BNPT, Police Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar said the country's commitment was strengthened by a number of BNPT breakthroughs. One of them is the national gathering program in the form of a reconciliation forum between survivors and former terrorism convicts.

"The state is responsible for fulfilling the rights and needs of terrorism victims, improving welfare will help their healing process," Boy said, in a written statement, Friday, December 23, quoted by Antara.

In addition, Boy continued, BNPT together with ministries, institutions, local governments, communities to the private sector also formed an integrated nusantara area program involving deradicalization partners, survivors and local communities.

He said the breakthrough was a form of government readiness through a stakeholder approach or pentahelix where all parties were involved in the recovery process and fulfillment of the rights of survivors.

In fulfilling the rights and needs of victims of terrorism, the Indonesian government strengthens the framework of legislation and provides compensation to victims of past and present terrorism, including victims who are foreign nationals.

In addition, the government through BNPT together with the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) also provided other assistance in the form of medical assistance, or psychosocial and psychological rehabilitation.

From 2002 to 2022, the government has compensated more than 700 victims of terrorism.

Most recently, as a form of state concern for victims of past terrorism, LPSK which is also an extension of the government initiating the program of witness and victim friends. The program involving 548 people is expected to provide witness and victim protection services, including for past terrorism survivors.

Meanwhile, the Chairperson of the LPSK, Hasto Atmojo Suroyo, said that the inauguration of the witness's and victim's friends was part of the concept of community-based witness protection.

"The protection of witnesses and victims is community-based to encourage community involvement so as to raise concern and move people's conscience to victims," he said.

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