JAKARTA - The Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives, Puan Maharani, congratulated the 94th Mother's Day to all Indonesian women. According to her, the commemoration of Mother's Day (PHI) which falls every December 22 must be a momentum to further empower women to make Indonesia progress.

"Now times have changed, challenges have changed, but the active role of women is still needed to advance Indonesia," said Puan in her statement, Thursday, December 22. Puan said that women from the beginning were an important and great part of Indonesia's struggle for independence and development. She said, even though the era of Indonesia's struggle for independence has been over, the nation's heroines are still fighting. Therefore, Puan assessed that mothers in Indonesia are now increasingly required to be more independent. Indonesian women, must be increasingly involved as an important part of the nation's mutual cooperation to overcome the challenges of the times.

"God willing, when Indonesian women are more empowered, Indonesia will advance faster," said Puan.

The former Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture also hopes that all parties can continue to appreciate the existence of women as mothers. Because according to him, PHI is a celebration of the role of mothers in her family, both for her husband, children, and the social environment.

All mothers are special, whatever their status and choice. Whether to be a housewife or as a working mother. Especially in this increasingly modern era, many women are playing double roles as housewives as well as working mothers," said Puan.

Although not perfect, added Puan, a woman will try to give and do her best in carrying out her duties and responsibilities as a mother. All mothers are dedicated women. Because being a mother is a job without stopping, and must always learn every time. This is not an easy task," explained Puan.

For this reason, the chairman of the PDIP DPP called for the importance of the state guaranteeing prosperity for mothers. Given the tough task carried out by a mother and also for the birth of the superior generations of the nation's hopes.

"Because these superior generations will advance Indonesia, they are the future of our nation. And to create Indonesia's superior generation, the role of mothers is very important so that the welfare of mothers must be guaranteed," concluded Puan.

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