JAKARTA - The Central Indonesian Journalists Association (PWI) imposed a full dismissal sanction on Iptu Pol Umbaran Widowo from PWI membership. "Similarly, the results of the plenary meeting of the Central PWI Daily Management related to the Wibowo Umbaran polemic," said the General Chairperson of PWI Pusat Atal S Depari was released in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 21. The name of Umbaran went viral, because it turned out to be a police intelligence officer who disguised himself as a journalist for a dozen years. Umbaran was declared proven to have violated the Basic Regulation (PD), Household Regulation (PRT), Journalistic Code of Ethics (KEJ), and Journalist Code (KPW) PWI.The decision was also taken taking into account the Press Council letter, the Central PWI Honorary Council letter, as well as two Central Java PWI Management letters. In addition to the full dismissal sanctions, the results of the plenary meeting also decided to withdraw the PWI Umbaran Wibowo card, number 11.00, 17914,16B. In addition, the Central PWI recommended the Press Council to withdraw the journalist competency test card (UKW) concerned. As stated on the Press Council page, according to him, the name of the Wibowo Umbaran was recorded with the Central Java TVRI media, the certificate number 8953-PWI/WDP/DP/I/2018/19/10/84 MEDya levels. Atal S Depari stated that the sanctions imposed on Umbaran were in accordance with the internal procedures of the PWI organization. "Indeed we ask for dismissal proposals, but still the regions," said Atal, quoted by Antara. Atal said that his profession has indeed succeeded in becoming good intelligence because he managed to cover his identity for a long time. "However, we regret why this could happen, and ask all PWI administrators in various regions to learn from these events and instruct him to be truly selective in the process of accepting PWI members," said Atal S Depari.

PWI Central Java stated that on Wednesday, December 14, it had clarified by telephone connection with Umbaran Wibowo regarding the active status of its police officers. In a conversation with the Central Java PWI DKP with the Deputy Chairperson of the Central Java PWI Organization Division, Umbaran expressed his willingness to resign from PWI membership including handing over member cards and UKW cards on Friday, December 16 in Semarang.PWI Chairman of Blora Regency Hery Purnomo is also ready to help solve the problem. Hery explained that initially reporters in Blora never knew that Umbaran Wibowo was a member of the police. They only knew that Umbaran Wibowo was a contributor to TVRI Central Java, who carried out his prudential duties in the Blora Regency area. In coverage including the Blora Police, Umbaran Wibowo was also treated as a journalist in general.Commission has also been made as the Blora Regency PWI Management in the previous management period of management, because of the ignorance of journalists and the PWI Board of Blora Regency.Regarding Umbaran participation within UKW, PWI Central Java confirmed that Umbaran followed the UKW organized by PWI Central Java in 2018. According to PWI Central Java, Umbaran could follow the UKW because the requirements were fulfilled, among others, there was a certificate from the media leadership, TVRI Central Java. The files that became the UKW requirement, have been physically sent to PWI Central PW at the time of the UKW to final verification and forwarded to the Press Council. Furthermore, the Central PWI agreed to the person concerned to follow the UKW.

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