MAKASSAR - Police arrested a woman named Im (30) in connection with methamphetamine drugs in Sidrap Regency, South Sulawesi. During the arrest, the police confiscated 989 grams of crystal methamphetamine.

"Evidence, 20 medium sachets containing clear crystals suspected of being narcotics of the type of crystal methamphetamine with a gross weight of 989 grams, 2 HP, 2, motor vehicles," said Head of Narcotics Narcotics Police, AKP Andi Sofyan, contacted by VOI, Saturday, December 19.

Im was arrested by the police at Kadidi, Panca Rijang District. The police conducted a search until finally confiscated methamphetamine.

Evidence of crystal methamphetamine was found in the rice fields. The perpetrator was taken to the police station.

It is suspected that the perpetrators of drug transactions in Sidrap include Palu, Central Sulawesi. The police are developing an investigation of this case.

"Besides you are still a DPO, currently our police are continuing to develop their network," said AKP Andi Sofyan.

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