JAKARTA - Minister of Law and Human Rights (Menkumham) Yasonna H Laoly said the achievement of non-tax state revenue (PNBP) of the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Immigration exceeded the target even in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"As of December 9, 2022, the PNBP achievement of the Directorate General of Immigration reached IDR 4.1 trillion or 208.85 percent. Immigration was able to exceed the target even though the COVID-19 pandemic has not ended," said the Minister of Law and Human Rights in a written statement, Wednesday, December 14, was confiscated by Antara.

The Minister of Law and Human Rights stated that the PNBP target of the Directorate General of Immigration was IDR 2 trillion but managed to touch IDR 4,176,907,185,602.

The PNBP of the Directorate General of Immigration comes from three main services, namely the manufacture of passports, visa income, residence permit income and other claims.

As of November 17, 2022, the Directorate General of Immigration has issued 3,246,770 passports. Then, give 385,467 electronic visa approvals and provide 33,131 residence permits for foreign nationals (WNA).

Nevertheless, Yasonna acknowledged that immigration services had decreased when the COVID-19 pandemic hit Indonesia. However, currently immigration services have risen significantly.

"Immigration has risen again or a very high rebound. The Ministry of Law and Human Rights is trying to stabilize this condition in the future," he said.

The PNBP achievement cannot be separated from the innovations made by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights in the field of immigration. In 2022, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights will launch four breakthroughs, namely the implementation of a second home visa, the application of a validity period of 10 years of passport, the application of an online residence permit issuance process, and the launch of e-VoA.

In addition to PNBP's achievements, the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is also targeting the realization of the budget of the Directorate General of Immigration at least 95 percent by the end of the year. The budget is used to carry out immigration duties and functions with a number of achievements.

Immigration supports national priority programs by strengthening political, legal and security stability and transforming public services through the integration of Immigration Examination Management Systems at air immigration checkpoints and cross-border posts.

In addition, the state budget was also realized in the national strategy action to prevent corruption. Immigration in collaboration with a number of agencies to realize single submissions (SSm) to transport, namely reporting one gate to ship arrivals at ports or sea immigration checkpoints.

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