BANTEN AG, a Pandeglang Police officer, is confirmed to have been dishonorably dismissed (PTDH) from the Police for a case of drug abuse of methamphetamine. The Head of Public Relations of the Banten Police, Kombes Shinto Silitonga, said that AG would undergo a police professional code of ethics trial by the Banten Police Bidpropam on Monday, December 12.

The trial was chaired by the Head of Subbit Wabprof Bidpropam Banten Police AKBP Amin Priyanto Banten Police AKBP Amin Priyanto.

It is known, AG was decided to violate Article 13 PP regarding the dismissal of members of the National Police and/or Perkap Kapolri Number 7 of 2022 concerning the professional code of ethics of the National Police Article 10 paragraph (6) letter b and/or Article 13 letter (e) and/or Article 13 letter (f).

"The judge handed down the decision on dishonorable dismissal (PTDH) from the police service," Shinto said in his statement, Tuesday, December 13.

However, the Chief Justice allowed AG to appeal the PTDH decision. Because according to him it is the authority of the defendant.

"Oknum AG masih diberikan kesempatan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan atau menerima putusan, tutupnya.

Previously, it was reported that the Narcotics Directorate together with the Banten Police Bidpropam followed up on a Pandeglang Police officer with the initials AG (36) on suspicion of consuming methamphetamine. AG was reported by a woman with the initials CY (28).

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