The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) has revealed that the suspect in the alleged bribery and gratification of AKBP Bambang Kayun has never protested the blocking of his account. Thus, the request for compensation submitted by the Bhayangkara Corps member is believed to be rejected.

"The Petitioner has never objected to PPATK for the temporary suspension of the transaction of the banking account concerned and the KPK has also blocked the account in the investigation stage and this is in accordance with the provisions of the legislation," said Head of the KPK News Section Ali Fikri to reporters, Tuesday, December 13.

Ali said that the request for compensation could only be granted if there was a termination of investigation or other reasons that were not justified by law. This reason makes the KPK believe the panel of judges will reject the pretrial proposed by Bambang.

The pretrial decision submitted by Bambang will be read out on Tuesday, December 13. The reading was made at the South Jakarta District Court.

"Regarding the application for compensation, it can only occur if the investigation or prosecution is terminated, including because they are arrested, detained, prosecuted, and tried or signed for other actions without any reason based on the law," he said.

"Therefore, the KPK is very confident that the request will be rejected by the judge," continued Ali.

In addition, the KPK's belief is based on evidence that has been submitted at trial. Ali said there were 50 documents, 11 statements, 3 expert statements, and instructions presented.

"We have provided responses, evidence, and experts at the intended trial," he explained.

The KPK has named AKBP Bambang Kayun as a suspect in alleged bribery and gratification related to falsification of letters during the case for the seizure of the rights of the heirs of PT Aria Citra Mulia (ACM). He is suspected of getting billions of rupiah to the Toyota Alphard car.

Meanwhile, AKBP Bambang Kayun filed a pretrial at the South Jakarta District Court. He sued because he did not accept being named a suspect by the KPK.

The South Jakarta District Court Case Tracking Information System (SIPP) said the lawsuit was registered number 108/Pid.Pra/2022/PN JKT.SEL. gift or promise while serving as Head of Subdivision of Criminal and Human Rights (HAM) for the Legal Application of the Bureau of Bankum, Police Legal Division from 2013 to 2019.

The money came from Emylia Said and Hermansyah. Next, Bambang also asked the pretrial judge to order the anti-corruption commission to withdraw efforts to block all of his accounts.

He also admitted that he suffered losses of up to tens of millions of rupiah.

"The act of the respondent who determined the applicant as a suspect without a procedure was a juridical defect or against the law which resulted in a loss of Rp. 25 million per month starting from October until he submitted this application," the lawsuit was quoted as saying.

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