JAKARTA - Menteri Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak (PPPA) Bintang Puspayoga menjanjikan pelayanan korban kekerasan terintegrasi satu pintu di Unit Pelaksana Teknis Daerah Perlindungan Perempuan dan Anak (UPTD PPA).

"UPTD PPA will be a safe location, a place for handling, mentoring, protection, recovery of victims, victims' families, and/or victim witnesses," said Bintang in his statement, Monday, December 12, confiscated by Antara.

He hopes that there will be no more victims who move around in getting the necessary services because now UPTD PPA provides integrated services.

One stop services UPTD PPA is an effort to implement Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS Law).

The UPTD PPA service, he said, will be held in one stop services where the victim will be received and handled directly on the spot and does not move from one agency to another.

All rules for implementing this integrated service will be ensured through a Presidential Regulation derived by the TPKS Law.

"UPTD PPA is the spearhead and front line for the protection of women and children in the regions so that its presence in providing the best service needs to continue to be improved. Moreover, the presence of the TPKS Law further strengthens the existence of UPTD PPA as the location for the first referral for victims of violence to report," he said.

The Minister of PPPA emphasized the UPTD PPA in providing integrated services in collaboration with various partners in the health sector, correctional institutions, law, and others.

The key to success in handling the problem of violence against women and children is commitment, real work, and collaboration from each party involved, both from UPTD PPA, law enforcement officers, to the Ministry of Finance PPPA.

His party also welcomed the front steps of the Semarang City Government, Central Java, by inaugurating the UPTD PPA Semarang City.

"I welcome the steps taken by the Semarang City Government in realizing UPTD PPA with new governance, one stop services," he said.

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