JAKARTA - Former Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Soni Sumarsono gave a response regarding the selection process or the auction of the position of Regional Secretary (Sekda) of DKI Jakarta. Soni said that the selection committee for the candidate for the DKI Regional Secretary should not limit candidates by looking at ethnicity, religion, race and intergroup (SARA), as long as the candidates meet the qualifications. "The important thing is that it is open to anyone who has qualifications. As well, prioritizing competence regardless of ethnicity, religion and race," Soni said when contacted, Friday, December 9. The open selection process of the Regional Secretary who is a high-ranking official will go through a number of stages. Starting from registration, data verification, written tests and paper writing, competency tests, to medical tests. The former Director General of Regional Autonomy (Dirjen Otda) of the Ministry of Home Affairs said that a number of instruments that were assessed by candidates for the DKI Regional Secretary were aspects of leadership maturity, government, and managerial. "Things like that are left to the selection committee. Later there will be a complete assessment. If the regional secretary has complete competence, but the government's ability is number one," said Soni. To the elected DKI Regional Secretary candidate, Soni hopes that this figure will be able to maintain relations with all levels of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government. "So, the relationship really has to have the same vision and mission. At the very least, the chemistry meets well, and most importantly has integrity and commitment in providing services to the governor as his leader," he explained. It is known that Heru removed Marullah Matali from the position of Secretary of DKI Jakarta on December 2. Heru shifted Marullah's position, who is now Deputy Governor of Culture and Tourism in DKI. To fill the temporary vacuum, Heru inaugurated the Assistant for People's Welfare of the DKI Jakarta Regional Secretary Uus Kuswanto to be the Acting Regional Secretary of DKI. The plan is that the definitive appointment of the DKI Regional Secretary is expected to be elected at the end of December 2022 or early January 2023.

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