JAKARTA - Head of the Parking Management Unit of the DKI Transportation Agency, Aji Kusambarto, confirmed that illegal parking in Jakarta is back on the rise. Parking, which does not pay retribution to the government, often runs its business in crowded locations.

Aji said that parking attendants (jukir) who use illegal land are usually people who live around illegal parking locations to thugs at that location.

"Yang banyak (jadi jukir liar) mungkin masyarakat sekitar hingga preman-preman yang mungkin hidupnya memanfaatkan hal lahan untuk membeli sesuatu yang terminya potensi untuk perekonomian," kata Aji kepada wartawan, Rabu, 7 Desember.

Aji emphasized that so far the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has continued to take action against the existence of illegal parking in Jakarta. However, Aji admitted that there were obstacles found in the field.

One of them, this wild jukir re-opened the illegal parking location even though he had previously been dealt with. "The cats. They have been kicked out, they have appeared again. We have previously taken action," said Aji.

In addition, there are also illegal jukir who manipulate officers by wearing official jukir uniforms determined by the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency. This uniform can be freely purchased in shops.

"The names of the parking uniforms can be purchased. There are also many Senen (areas) in Senen, right," he said.

"But, if we find the jukir is not registered and not an official jukir, we will act and carry out coaching. We will also bring it in order, accompanied by police friends," continued Aji.

Recently, viral on social media uploaded a video of a resident using illegal parking near Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta, and asked to pay Rp. 10,000. This condition was highlighted by the Chairman of the Jakarta Citizens Forum (Fakta) Azas Tigor Nainggolan.

Tigor views that illegal parking on the Jakarta road is no secret anymore, which triggers conflicts between certain groups or mass organizations to get illegal parking rations on the road.

Based on data that Tigor received, in the past few years, the DKI Jakarta Transportation Agency has brought order to 16,000 illegal parking points. However, in the last five years, illegal parking on the road has emerged again.

He also calculated the nominal amount that can be repeated from illegal parking in Jakarta in one year reaching Rp460 billion.

"If an 8 hour day is effective parking and one hour on average pays Rp. 10,000, the income is illegal parking in Jakarta Rp. 10,000 multiplied by 8 times 16,000 is Rp. 1.28 billion a day, Rp. 38.4 billion a month, and to Rp. 460 billion a year," explained Tigor.

"Yes, around Rp460 billion a year of illegal parking money in Jakarta, if a count is taken from 16,000 initial SRP in Jakarta. The number of illegal parking SRPs in Jakarta can certainly increase the number, so the income can increase again," he said.

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