JAKARTA - PT TIKI Jalur Eka Nugraha (JNE) has raised its voice regarding accusations by citizens regarding affiliation with certain community organizations (Ormas). JNE emphasized that the company is purely in business and has no relationship with any one mass organization.

JNE Main Director Mohammad Feriadi emphasized that his company is a neutral organization, not affiliated with any organization or group. He also emphasized that JNE is not involved in politics.

"JNE also doesn't want to get into sara-related issues. And we (JNE), just want to do business," he said at a press conference at Jetski Kafe, Pantai Mutiara, Pluit, North Jakarta, Wednesday, December 16.

Feriadi also emphasized that his party only wants to help small and medium enterprises (UKM) and the community for the distribution of goods. This includes helping orphans, blind people, widows, the poor and the poor.

"We (JNE) in doing business need to be noted, we just want blessings," he said.

On the same occasion, the attorney for PT TIKI Jalur Eka Nugraha (JNE), Hotman Paris Hutapea, emphasized that JNE is not affiliated with certain mass organizations that are busy talking about on social media.

Previously, the hashtag boycott JNE became a trending topic on Twitter last weekend. Netizens are busy calling for a movement to stop using JNE services. The call started from the posting of a video greeting for JNE's 30th birthday from the Secretary General of the HRS Center, Ustaz Haikal Hassan Baras. You can also read other VOI articles about the logistics business and delivery or courier services which are now increasing in growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. 19. The article can be found on "Businesses That Make a Difference during a Pandemic: Logistics and Courier Services"

As a result, the video had a long tail, leading to allegations that JNE was affiliated with certain social organizations (ormas).

Hotman also questioned why the video of Haikal Hassan's words went viral. Even though many figures and certain groups also participated in celebrating JNE's 30th Anniversary.

"So the video of Haikal Hassan wishing JNE a happy birthday is one of the various figures and groups. Earlier, Mr. Ahok also said, the Governor of Central Java also said. But what Haikal Hassan was doing was viral. It (video) was not because of any closeness. or any management, even those who say a lot, "explained Hotman.

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