JAKARTA - A workshop related to Indonesian products has been held in France by La Maison De L Indonesie or French Indonesian House, which introduces various uniqueness of the country in the country.

Eka Moncarre, initiator and founder of the French Indonesian House, said that since its opening in mid-May, the French Indonesian House has held work workshops to introduce products such as coffee, chocolate, herbal medicine and batik.

On December 1, a program was also held related to coffee, chocolate and herbal medicine in Indonesia

In the event held in collaboration with educational institutions at Le Havre University, Indonesian dance was also part of the program.

They learn about history, and types of Indonesian coffee and also taste two kinds of coffee, namely Arabica and Robusta, which have a different aroma and taste, according to Eka in a written statement quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 4.

In addition to coffee, all participants also tasted four kinds of Indonesian chocolate and continued with two kinds of herbal medicine, namely acid turmeric and YELLOW rice, which were made directly in front of the participants.

"This workshop activity is a strategy from La Maison De L'Indonesie in promoting Indonesia, by sharing direct experiences and providing knowledge about Indonesian products to the international community," he said.

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