Police Find Alcohol Storage Bunker in Cirebon
Officers during a break in liquor from a search at a shop in Cirebon, West Java. (ANTARA/Ho-Humas)

CIREBON - Cirebon City Police, West Java, found a bunker storing liquor after officers searched a stall in Cipeujeuh Village.

"We confiscated 89 boxes of liquor from a bunker belonging to a trader", said Cirebon Police Chief Commissioner Arif Budiman quoted by ANTARA, Friday, December 2.

Arif said the discovery of the bunker containing liquor was after police searched a shop in Cipeujeuh Village, Lemahabang District, Cirebon Regency, which was allegedly a place for illegal liquor to be distributed.

He explained that officers often carry out raids on the shop, but the result is always zero if they only find a few bottles of liquor.

However, continued Arif, after his party searched on Thursday, December 1 a bunker was found to store tightly closed liquor.

"Initially there was a cardboard box of liquor. That was what became our clue, then we moved the place around and it turned out that there was a one-meter square hole. As soon as we entered, we found out there was alcohol. It's like a bunker model, behind a cupboard", he said.

The officer then took every box piled up in the bunker to be taken to the police car and after being counted there were 89 boxes of various brands of liquor.

The evidence was then taken to the Cirebon Police Headquarters to be used as evidence which would later be destroyed to create a safe and conducive Kamtibmas situation in Cirebon Regency.

"We collect the alcohol, we will destroy it towards the end of 2022. Not only this disclosure. We will continue to carry out raids on alcohol in the jurisdiction of the Cirebon Police, especially ahead of the 2023 Christmas and New Year celebrations", he said.

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