JABAR - The Cianjur Regency Government said data collection on residents affected by the earthquake whose houses were lightly or heavily damaged was still being carried out. Data collection is carried out as an effort to quickly handle recovery after the disaster.

According to Cianjur Regent Herman Suherman, based on the results of data collection and verification of the special team, around 24,107 houses were damaged with the category of lightly damaged as many as 11,203 units, moderate damage as many as 7,273 units and heavily damaged as many as 5,631 units.

"Untuk rumah rusak berat akan mendapatkan bantuan Rp50 juta, rusak sedang Rp25 juta dan rusak ringan sebesar Rp10 juta. Nanti, tim khusus yang akan melakukan verifikasi di lapangan," kata Herman di Cianjur, Jawa Barat, dikutip dari Antara.

Herman explained that data collection will continue to be carried out as an effort to quickly handle recovery after a disaster that has made more than one hundred thousand residents occupy centralized and independent evacuation posts in the four worst sub-districts.

So, he said, his party estimates that the number of damaged houses will be added every day according to data collection and verification carried out by special teams in the field. So that residents whose houses are damaged will receive assistance according to the criteria mentioned by the central government.

"Untuk rumah rusak berat akan mendapatkan bantuan Rp50 juta, rusak sedang Rp25 juta dan rusak ringan sebesar Rp10 juta. Nanti tim khusus yang akan melakukan verifikasi di lapangan," tuturnya.

Especially for houses, the funds were severely damaged, the funds were evenly distributed between residents whose middle to upper and lower middle economic status was. However, the distribution is for medium to upper levels in the form of stimulants, while for medium to lower middle economies the main assistance is so that they immediately have a type 36 residential house.

The construction of houses for residents with a middle to lower economic level will be assisted by the TNI-Polri and local residents, while for the upper middle class, cash will be given with the work done independently.

"Those who live in the red zone or are prohibited from being returned to their homes based on a letter from the BMKG, will be relocated to three sub-districts whose construction will be being carried out," he said.

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