JAKARTA - Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan (Zulhas) said the names Ganjar Pranowo and Erick Thohir became the most proposed pairs of PAN cadres throughout Indonesia. Most recently, said Zulhas, this support came from the Central Java PAN Regional Leadership Council (DPW) which encouraged the Ganjar-Erick pair to advance in the 2024 presidential election contestation.

"Earlier, Mr. Ganjar was promoted by the presidential candidate to the PAN DPP. Mr. Erick's vice president, who has been with me every day, is the most stuck," said Zulhas after attending the launch of the bicalon by the Central Java PAN DPW in Semarang, Central Java, Friday 2 December.

Zulhas said that the Ganjar-Erick pair was a favorite for all PAN cadres in the country. He said similar support had also been conveyed by a number of other PAN DPWs.

"Indeed, almost all areas have their voices," said Zulhas.

Zulhas admitted that he would follow up on the DPW proposal to be discussed at the PAN DPP level. Zulhas said that PAN would also carry the name Ganjar-Erick in a meeting with the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) with PPP and Golkar.

"The mechanism will be that the DPP will decide when and also in KIB, later negotiate with KIB," said Zulhas.

Erick Thohir who was present with Ganjar Pranowo admitted that he had the same vision and mission as PAN. Even so, Erick wants to focus first on fulfilling the mandate given by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) regarding his duties as Minister of BUMN.

"Earlier, Mr. Zul said that his heart was the same, but the political process had to be carried out," said Erick.

The Ganjar-Erick pair is said to have a great chance to advance in the 2024 presidential election contestation. In the survey of Indonesian Political Indicators entitled "Professional Kuda Candidates and Maps of Post-Declaration Party Electoral Power", Erick's electability continues to increase and has a big impact in boosting his partner.

This cannot be separated from Erick's track record and performance, which is considered successful in changing the face of SOEs to be healthier and more professional. The closeness of Erick and Ganjar has become more intense in recent times.

The two seemed to have attended a number of events such as the inauguration of the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Surakarta last month.

"Alhamdulillah, Friday is a blessing with Pak Zulhas and Pak Ganjar," said Erick while attending the launch of the presidential bilon by the Central Java PAN DPW.

In the Indonesian Political Indicators survey, Erick is considered the most appropriate figure to accompany Ganjar Pranowo.

"Erick has a match with Ganjar and almost has the same voter base. So it's normal for both of them to have good electability during survey simulations. The base is Ganjar similar to Erick. It's natural that someone wants Erick to be Ganjar's companion," Executive Director Indicator Burhanuddin Muhtadi in Jakarta on Thursday, December 1.

The same thing was conveyed by the Executive Director of Poltracking Hanta Yuda who said the Ganjar-Erick pair was a top priority for PAN. Hanta assessed that the couple's popularity and electability continued to increase. Hanta assessed that Erick's closeness aspect with important figures in PAN such as the chairman of PAN Zulkifli Hasan was also an added value in itself.

"With the data and proximity that has been prepared by PAN, of course there are other names that will be very dynamic in this politics, but the direction is the two names, the names that are the top priorities in PAN," said Hanta.

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