JAKARTA - Member of Commission I DPR from the NasDem faction Hillary Brigitta Lasut assessed that there would be no problem if Admiral Yudo Margono served as TNI Commander in a short time. According to him, Yudo remains worthy of his status as TNI Commander.

"It doesn't matter because it's a little time interval. Because of this, what is called TNI soldiers' happiness and pride is not their salary and material. Of course, the award and recognition of their services to the community and state," said Hillary, Wednesday, November 30. Moreover, continued Hillary, the selection of the Navy Matra (AL) has become the pride of the soldiers for the recognition of the state. Moreover, Indonesia as a maritime country. "If we don't give recognition, what will we give in exchange for their sacrifice so far? So that Admiral Yudo is certainly worthy and worthy even though it's only a few months, but a few things can happen," said the NasDem politician.

It is known that Yudo Margono was appointed by President Joko Widodo as the sole candidate for TNI Commander to replace General Andika Perkasa who will enter the end of his term of office on December 21. If he is officially appointed, Yudo must end his term as TNI Commander on November 26, 2023 because he is 58 years old. Based on Law Number 34 of 2004 concerning the TNI, it is stated that the age of TNI members for the highest retirement is 58 years for officers. This means that Yudo Margono will only serve as TNI leader for 11 months. Until now, Commission I of the DPR has not scheduled the implementation of a fit and proper test for the candidate for TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono. Commission I of the DPR is still waiting for an assignment from the Deliberative Body (Bamus) regarding this matter.

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