JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir considers Kaesang Pangarep to be like his own nephew. This is his background as the Chief Executive of the marriage of Kaesang Pangarep and Erina Gudono.

"Mas Kaesang is like my family, it's his nephew," said Erick after the wedding dress in Puro Mangkunegaran, Solo, Sunday, November 27.

Erick said that Kaesang is also the same age and very close to Erick's son, Aga Thohir, who is both building and developing Persis Solo. As a family, said Erick, he should help Kaesang in preparing his special day.

"It is commonplace for Indonesian families and easterners in general to help each other's families in big events or celebrations," said Erick.

Erick said that mutual cooperation is one of the nation's forces that must be preserved. As a family, of course, must help each other.

"But sometimes people like to build the perception of the Minister of SOEs being busy (to take care of marriage), that's wrong. For me, Kaesang has become his own nephew, yes, I am happy to help," Erick added.

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