JAKARTA - The capital city of the archipelago (IKN) will become a magnet to invest in the private sector in the participating state of Brunei Darussalam-Indonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP-EAGA).

"Kalimantan received a very large magnetic award, namely by determining that IKN will move to Kalimantan. This is a new energy that is an attraction for friends in Kalimantan," said BEBC Country Director (BIMG Eaga Business Council) Sayid Irwan in Pontianak, Saturday, November 26.

With the existence of IKN in East Kalimantan, it will also have an impact on all of Kalimantan Island, including in neighboring countries in Sabah Sarawak.

"Although the capital city in East Kalimantan but Central Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan, North Kalimantan gets the magnet, including our business with friends in Sabah Sarawak, all want to participate in investing to support the nation's capital," said Sayid Irwan.

According to him, IKN which carries a green environment will be a special attraction. This is because the European Union does not have a number of big projects such as IKN, and they only concentrate on the green environment.

"The concept of IKN with green is an opportunity that we can adapt to the problem of green environment," he said.

Sayid said, IKN has priorities in its development which will certainly be carried out by local people. However, if local people do not have the ability of human resources (HR) and are also financially, then the countries in BIMP-EAGA will support it.

He also said that building an IKN would certainly require large supply chains such as sand, stones, cement. In that case, Sabah Sarawak offered a need for the construction in the form of a quartic stone that may not be found in Kalimantan.

"Perhaps the need for cement will be met by local residents but what about quartic stones, whether Kalimantan can fulfill that. Therefore friends in Sabah offer it," he said.

Meanwhile, in the same place, BEBC Brunei Chairman of Haji Haris Duranman said that this forum is a foothold to formulate values made based on mutual agreement.

"Alhamdulillah, in the effort to formulate, there are cases that have been raised to advance. Hopefully they will get glory in the Senior Officials Meeting (SOM). Regarding problems or cases that arise, hopefully get approval," said Sayid.

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