National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo is advised to form a special team (timsus) to investigate the issue of accepting bribes or deposits from Ismail Bolong to several members of Koprs Bhayangkara related to illegal coal mining in East Kalimantan. This is expected, the investigation process can be objective and transparent.

"For this examination, IPW proposes the establishment of a joint team or special team consisting of internal and external elements," said Chairman of Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) Sugeng Teguh Santosa to reporters, Saturday, November 26.

Then, it is also recommended that the team be led by a three-star general. Because, referring to the Investigation Report (LHP) of the Propam Division and the circulating issues, there are the names Kabareskrim Komjen Agus Andrianto and former East Kalimantan Police Chief Inspector General Herry Rudolf Nahak as suspected bribe recipients.

"Internal elements must involve three-star generals, external elements can certainly be from the National Police," he said.

The formation of the timsus is believed to be able to get maximum results. So, continued Sugeng, it can prove the facts behind the issue of the bribery investigation from Ismail Bolong.

On the other hand, the National Police Chief is also advised to temporarily suspend Komjen Agus Andrianto during the investigation process. The goal is to avoid intervention or abuse of authority.

"Komjen Agus Andrianto untuk ditaktifkan sementara agar tidak dapat mengambil akses kewenangan dalam proses penyelidikan atau penyidikan kasus dugaan mine ilegal ini," kata Sugeng.

For information, the receipt of the coordination money deposit was based on the report on the results of the investigation (LHP) with the number R/ND-137/III/WAS.2.4/2022/Ropaminal dated March 18, 2022, which Hendra Kurniawan reported to Ferdy Sambo. In the LHP, the name of the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus, is said to receive Ismail Bolong coordination money worth IDR 2 billion every month. The money is also said to use foreign currency or American dollars. Then, it was carried out in stages from October to December. In fact, at point H, Ismail Bolong also gave coordination money to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police, which was handed over to Kombes BH as Head of Sub-Directorate V Dittipidter three times, namely October, November and December 2021 amounting to IDR 3 billion every month to be distributed at the Dittipidter Bareskrim.

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