JAKARTA - The Jiwasraya BUMN Victims Forum specifically for customers who hold the Saving Plan policy rejects all restructuring options in the latest scheme offered to them. This is because the option initiated through an agreement between the DPR and BUMN Minister Erick Thohir is considered to be a burden to customers.

One of the forum representatives, Roganda Manulang, said that this option did not prioritize the principles of justice and win-win solutions.

"We reject the offered restructuring option. Because it does not prioritize the principles of justice and win-win solutions. All the restructuring options offered are very burdensome for customers," he said, in a virtual press conference, Monday, December 14.

Roganda said that his party hopes there is a rescue solution that is truly mutually beneficial. One of them is by showing the seller's bank through interest-free sales with a Jiwasraya policy guarantee.

According to Roganda, the policy restructuring scheme offered was not clearly explained to policyholders. He said the design of this scheme had never been discussed with customers. Thus, customers are only presented with the final results of the scheme which are considered unfair.

"Customers are only presented with the final result, which is not a fair option for us. Jiwasraya's communication narrative with customers is not persuasive and even intimidating," he said.

Previously, the Jiwasraya Restructuring Acceleration Coordination Team announced the policy restructuring scheme on Friday, December 11, 2020. There are at least three claim payment options for saving plan customers.

First, as the main alternative is payment of cash value in full or 100 percent in installments for 15 years without interest. Under this option, the customer also gets accident insurance with benefits that refer to the initial balance of the saving plan policy.

Second, the payment of claims with a faster installment period, which is 5 years without interest. However, payments are made of approximately 71 percent or there is a haircut of around 29 percent of the cash value. If the customer chooses this option, the customer will get accident insurance.

Finally, the installment of claims for 5 years with an advance payment of 10 percent by IFG Life and accident insurance.

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