JAKARTA - The City Government of Kediri, East Java, has asked the public not to be careless with COVID-19, which is starting to experience an upward trend, including the spread of the XBB Omicron subvariant.

Kadis Komunikasi dan Informatika Kota Kediri Apip Permana meminta masyarakat untuk selalu waspada dengan sebaran subvariant Omicron XBB yang mudah menular.

The Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) has issued instructions regarding the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM) on the Corona Virus Disease 2019 conditions in the Java and Bali regions. In the Ministry of Home Affairs Number 49 of 2022, it is stated that the City of Kediri is included in the area with PPKM Level 1.

"This Ministry of Home Affairs is a reminder for all of us not to be complacent with the existing leeways and to always be aware of the spread of COVID-19 in Kediri City," Apip said in Kediri, Wednesday, November 23.

He also emphasized that currently neither the central nor regional governments have confirmed that they have been separated from the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Indeed, the direction is towards an endemic, but currently the struggle is still not over in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially since the trend of COVID-19 cases has been observed to increase," Apip said as quoted by Antara.

Meanwhile, it is explained in the Minister of Home Affairs Number 49 of 2022 that there are several regulations for regions with PPKM Level 1.

These regulations include learning can be done face-to-face/on-line/hybrid, implementation in the non-essential sector applies 100 percent WFO for employees who have been vaccinated, while for essential sectors can operate with a maximum capacity of 100% for those who provide direct services with the community and 75 percent for administrative staff, they are required to use the PeduliLindung application.

As for shops, supermarkets, traditional markets, grocery stores, supermarkets, 100 percent can operate (mandatory to use the PeduliLindung application), while for food stalls/warteg, street vendors, hawker stalls, cafes, restaurants and the like are allowed to open with a maximum health protocol at 22.00 WIB with a capacity of 100 percent (dine in), shopping centers with a maximum capacity of 100 percent operate at 22.00 WIB, cinemas operate a maximum capacity of 100 percent with health protocols and places of worship operating with 100 percent capacity.

"The PPKM Level 1 regulation in Kediri City is valid from November 22 to December 5, 2022," said Apip.

Apip also emphasized to all the people of Kediri City to remain vigilant and take good care of themselves and their families.

"For those who have not been vaccinated immediately, the vaccination for those who have not completed it will be completed immediately. It is better to anticipate than to treat it," said Apip.

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