TANGERANG - A British woman (WN) with the initials JAM (59) was found dead in an apartment in the Bencongan Indah area, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang Regency. Kelapa Dua Police Chief, Kompol Tejo Asmoro said the victim was depressed and finally desperate to end his life.

Tejo said the discovery of the corpse occurred on Wednesday, November 16, at 16.30 WIB. The victim, said Tejo, was found dead wearing a▁kebebasan shirt. It is also known that, what made the victim depressed was that he did not feel at home in the apartment.

According to the victim's husband, he is currently having a mental disorder and is still taking medication regularly. (Apart from that) According to the victim's husband, he wanted to return to England because he did not feel at home in the apartment," Tejo said in a statement received by VOI, Thursday, November 17.

The brief chronology revealed by Tejo, at that time the husband of the victim's initials BW came home from work from his office. After entering the room, BW saw his wife was already hanging on the balcony with a rope.

"Then the victim's husband took his wife down and tried to give her artificial breath," said Tejo.

BW, continued Tejo, went down to the apartment lobby to ask the witness, FS (initials) for an ambulance to be called. At that time the victim was taken to Siloam Karawaci Hospital in Tangerang.

"(BW) asked the Siloam Hospital ambulance to provide assistance to the victim but the victim's husband confirmed that the victim had died," explained Tejo.

Furthermore, Tejo said, witness FS reported to another witness to contact the Kelapa Dua Police.

"Examinations on the victim's body or body and no signs of violence or abuse were found, the victim is thought to have died from self-absorbing," he concluded.

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