BUKITTINGGI - The Criminal Investigation UnitmTeam of the Bukittinggi Police, West Sumatra arrested a young woman who is known to have stolen gold worth tens of millions of rupiah and fled to South Solok.

The acting Head of Bukittinggi Police, Commissioner Rita Suryanti, said the gold stolen by the perpetrators was worth IDR 16.8 million. The perpetrator was arrested Thursday, November 17 in the morning.

The crime scene (TKP) is at Soekarno-Hatta Street Gang Karan Number three, Garegeh Village, Mandiangin Koto Selayan District, Bukittinggi City.

"The perpetrator LS (26) carried out his action on Tuesday, November 8 in Garegeh Bukittinggi, eight gold belonging to the victim was stolen, the perpetrator then fled to Muaro Labuh, South Solok", she said, quoted by ANTARA.

According to her, the Bukittinggi City Police together with the Criminal Investigation Unit investigated the leadership of Ipda Manurung after receiving the report.

"Thursday dawn LS was arrested and confiscated goods resulting from her actions to be used as evidence in the form of three gold bracelets, half a gold ring, and IDR 4 million in cash", she said.

There was no resistance when the perpetrator was arrested by police officers who immediately took the perpetrator in a T-shirt to Bukittinggi.

To account for her actions, LS perpetrators are charged with violating Article 362 of the Criminal Code with a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

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